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Activity Scope

This heights activity involves the participant descending down a vertical surface while they control their descent and speed using a belay device. The Outdoor Leader has the participant on a back-up belay system to ensure constant control and safety at all times.

Activity Objectives
Being aware of and dealing with fear, trusting others, benefits of stepping out of ‘comfort zone’, peer support, balance, strength and using muscles in different ways.

Age Limitations

Grade 7+ (age 11+). Alterations to age limits must be done in consultation with Camp Management AND an activity specific risk assessment completed.

Staff Ratio

  • 1 Outdoor Leader
  • 1 responsible person to supervise participants who are not actively participating in the activity (i.e. waiting for their turn)

Outdoor Leader Skills

Lead Challenge Course - high elements skill set or similar qualification, and current first aid.

Risk Assessment

View Risk Assessment document (PDF)
Level of Risk After Mitigation: Low

Client Group Leader/Teacher Expectations

  • Watch briefing, assist when necessary, and manage behaviour
  • Responsible for group safety in case of an emergency
  • Assist participants with PPE
  • Assist participants with ascending ladder, ensuring undertaken ABC checks prior to ascending

Participant Requirements

  • Shirt that covers the midriff area (preferably long sleeved with collar)
  • Pants that are a minimum of knee length (no skirts or dresses)
  • Long hair secured in low ponytail
  • Ideally remove jewellery
  • Empty pockets and remove attached objects (i.e. scarves, cameras, mobile phones, etc.)
Australian Curriculum

This activity may target a number of the "Content Descriptions" across a number of different subject areas. At our site, we've determined that abseiling is best suited for students in grade 7 and above.

Year 7 & 8

Links to HPE Australian Curriculum content descriptors (v.9)

Strand: Personal, social and community health
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Examine the roles of respect, empathy, power and coercion in developing respectful relationships AC9HP8P04
Analyse factors that influence emotional responses and devise strategies to selfmanage emotions AC9HP8P06
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
Explain and apply skills and strategies to communicate assertively and respectfully when seeking, giving or denying consent AC9HP8P07
Movement and physical activity
Sub-strand: Making active choices
Participate in physical activities designed to improve fitness and wellbeing to investigate the impact of regular participation on health, fitness and wellbeing AC9HP8M04
Participate in physical activities that utilise community spaces and outdoor settings, and evaluate strategies to support increased use of these spaces AC9HP8M05
Design and justify strategies to increase physical activity levels to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes AC9HP8M06
Sub-strand: Learning through movement
Propose and evaluate movement strategies and skills that would be most effective in different movement situations AC9HP8M07
Practise and apply leadership, collaboration and group decision-making processes when participating in a range of physical activities AC9HP8M09
Year 9 & 10

Links to HPE Australian Curriculum content descriptors (v.9)

Personal, social and community health
Sub-strand: Identities and change
Refine, evaluate and adapt strategies for managing changes and transitions AC9HP10P02
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Evaluate the influence of respect, empathy, power and coercion on establishing and maintaining respectful relationships AC9HP10P04
Evaluate emotional responses in different situations to refine strategies for managing emotions AC9HP10P06
Examine how strategies, such as communicating choices, seeking, giving and denying consent, and expressing opinions and needs can support the development of respectful relationships, including sexual relationships AC9HP10P07
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
Plan, rehearse and evaluate strategies for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety or wellbeing may be at risk AC9HP10P08
Plan, justify and critique strategies to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing AC9HP10P10
Movement and physical activity
Sub-strand: Moving our bodies
Analyse, adapt and refine their own and others’ movement skills in a range of challenging movement situations to enhance performance AC9HP10M01
Create and refine movement strategies to achieve successful outcomes across a range of challenging movement situations AC9HP10M02
Apply movement concepts in new or challenging movement situations and analyse the impact each concept has on movement outcomes AC9HP10M03
Sub-strand: Learning through movement
Transfer and adapt skills and strategies from previous experiences to create successful outcomes in unfamiliar movement situations AC9HP10M07
Demonstrate fair play and reflect on how ethical behaviour can influence physical activity outcomes for individuals and groups AC9HP10M08